Tuesday, 30 April 2019


Our newest script has now been done and this will be the one we go into Production with. This has been the biggest change with what's happening story wise. There is now another event that we will be filming at which is a Drag Queen pageant in Folkstone that Conor is taking part in so we now have 2 live events that we will be filming at.

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Jemma spoke to me in regards to the first page of the script and explained that although we are now filming actual events rather than making one, we'll still be filming at the Tom Thumb Theatre but using it to film the title sequence for the documentary which Jemma is currently planning out. (Separate post to be made about that). There is now a montage at the beginning of the script which after speaking to Jemma she's explained that the footage for this montage will be from the live events, for Amy however we don't yet have an event so Jemma and Victoria are looking into one that we can go to. 

The opening with Tanya has her doing a live stream which hasn't changed from the original however, Jemma now wants footage both from our cameras and also the live stream directly from Tanya's phone as it can be recorded while she streams live. For the remaining sections for Tanya the script hasn't changed so it will be general GV's. One of the biggest differences with Tanya though is the preparation for the live stream changed from preparation for a photoshoot, the change here is that the live stream allows us to film more and gives us extra footage with Tanya recording the stream through her phone. 

With Conor, now I've been told we'll be filming his interview at his house with his husband. We'll also be filming him prepare for the pageant. This would likely be handheld footage following Conor through his preparation, handheld would be the best option as it allows us to follow Conor while he prepares, although tripod would be more stable, it takes a lot more time to set up and also takes up a lot more space. 

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Amy's interview will still take place in the theatre as she lives in Margate and also as she owns a club in Margate, so she's mostly based there unless a Sink the Pink event happens somewhere else. However, there isn't any footage noted here as we haven't got any Sink the Pink Events to film as there aren't any coming up but me and Jemma has discussed finding past photos and videos from Sink the Pink events which Victoria is looking into getting permission for these, so currently it looks like Amy's interviews will be mixed with Archive footage/photos so my prep for her sections will be planning out the interview and the coverage of the theatre and Margate for the edit. 

Conor and his husband I think should be filmed as a double interview like we've planned for Tanya and her Father, Peter, as it'll allow them to bounce off each other and the interaction will be good, plus since we've already got one double interview it'll make sense to have another with these two. Then I'd get the actuality of them looking through their wedding photos. Jemma has also said that if there's anything around the house such as wedding photos framed, gifts from the wedding, etc. it'd be good to get footage of that as well. 

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Tanya's interview here with the red marked "Looking through Twitter maybe?" so we need her doing something online based but since here she'll be talking about her viral hashtag "my drag is valid" so it would make sense to be on twitter here. I could have another camera filming over Tanya's shoulder at the screen while the Canon C100 films the interview or we could also screen record her laptop to use later in the edit.

In terms of the pageant, we've been told it's being held at the Grand Burstin Hotel in Folkstone but we aren't able to recce the location first due to access during the busy period when the hotel is open normally. However, Victoria has told me that we've got access to film both the entire pageant and also the dressing rooms where we can film the queens getting ready. Likely, depending on the Blackburn event, I will go with the same camera plan for the Pageant as I do for Blackburn if it works well in getting the coverage.

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Since there is so many different shoots and footage that I'll be required to get, I've chosen to make separate shot lists and kit lists for each shoot rather than one list to help break down each shoot and keep it more organised and simple for me to get the footage. Although I'm sure there will be extra footage gained as we aren't able to recce most of the locations that we're going to, at least I'll have a plan prior to the shoots to look back on if we are stuck.

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