Broadcast Journalist relies on a wide range of sources and contacts in the never ending search for new news.The best journalists do not just sit and wait for a story to 'appear', they go out and find it!
The best ways to find stories are by using:
- Newspapers
- Social Media
- Word of mouth "whistle blower"
- News agents
- Personal stories
- Reliability; it could be biased make sure its verifiable
Journalists find stories with 'News value'
- Working what Fishman (1997) called 'Beats' - 'patrolling' much like a police officer on recognised chains of information to supply potential stories with 'news value'
- What beats form part of this chain of information?
- Many of these beats are exclusively accessed by news journalists, e.g. calling police stations or press offices.
- But in doing so, what other stories are ignored? Is it right to give priority to those particular sources? Why?
Where to find stories:
Primary sources
- Your own direct contacts
- Original sources direct from source material e.g. archive material from libraries etc such as Kew (National archives)
- Public appeals
- Press releases/stats/official statements
Secondary sources
- Stringers (freelancers)
- Other platforms/media
- Newsrooms frequently trawl 'the wires' for up to the minute tip offs on news stories such as:
P.A. (Press Association) - Provide a range of news stories and content for print and digital media for the UK and Ireland.
These are specialists work in newsrooms and are prized for their in depth knowledge and well honed
contracts - often invited to confidential 'lobby' briefings with politicians and on the mailing lists for important relevant bodies. 'Lobby' politics - Influential groups 'lobby' the government in such meetings to get their views accross.
Foreign news sources
Journalists, editors and correspondents based permanently aboard for news networks e.g. Gavin Hewitt Europe Editor or Mark Mardell North American Editor. Sometimes pooled foreign news 'bureau' with other broadcasters, again valued for their local contracts and on the ground knowledge and access. These will often work long hours, lots of traveling due to wide area covered and can be in
dangerous or politically unstable areas, they will go under special training and will need excellent language skills.
Many broadcasters have their own archived material which is a rich source of pictures, as well as independent archives which sell their material under licence
They look like news packages and sound like them, but the stories are to be approached with caution, as they are very often propaganda. There are so many 'stories' that pop up these days via social media. Who is sending them and why?
Whichever your source of information and stories, you will need to be consummate COMMUNICATOR in order to access these. Telephone can be one of the best ways to communicate. Calling someone is always a good way to get information. Emails are also a good way to exchange information but can't replace a conversation.
Finding the 'Angle'
The news 'angle' is key to developing a story. The angle can be defined as the main significance of the story to your particular audience. It is a particular viewpoint of any story. There will inevitably be several angles on any story, your job is to decide the angle which best suits and sells your story and will engage your audience.
(All images from
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