My aim was to create a sequence where we focus on the actor walking along and we know they're going to the chair. We get focus and some tension to keep the audience watching, when the actor ties their shoe it's to get the audience to react, they want to know what is going to happen and this makes them wait more and more. Then we get the main bit which is the text 'i'm waiting' which brings mystery to the end of the film and makes us question what's going to happen next.
My edit can be viewed below:
I found that editing this was a little trickier than I thought originally as a few shots were quite shakey, the shot of the actors feet had to have warp stabiliser added to it to stable the shot more and make it more appealing to watch, although I couldn't get it perfect I could only solve it slightly. As well I had some issues making the clips work together at first. Although it could it working smoothly I found some shots like the slow up tilted mid shot of the actor stopping to tie her shoe lace was one I didn't like in the end and had issues cutting it to work with the previous shot.
My main issue with this was the sound. I forgot to record a wild track or the sound of footprints so when editing my sound I had to take one section of the audio and loop that with a cross gain fade so that the 'wild track' sounds consistent through the entire project. I did some basic colour correction as well to get the mood better with the film. I brought the colour to have a slight blue tint to it and also brought the exposure and brightness down, giving a sort of mysterious and cold feel to the film which is what I wanted with it.
this is great!!