Wednesday 10 May 2017


One of the main people we saw and found inspiring for our documentary was Shahak Shapira. I explained in a previous post about his Project 'Yolocaust' where he saw people being disrespectful at the Holocaust Memorial and photoshopped them to make them see what they're doing and how inappropriate they were being.

Shahak lives in Berlin, where the Holocaust Memorial is and where we are already planning to go out and film. So we decided to get in contact with Shahak and see if he would be interested in meeting in Berlin for an interview about his project and the current situation with young people. Shahak is a freelance artist and also a stand-up comedian. He is sometimes considered racist as he likes to joke and mock religion and also, even though he was born Jewish he doesn't consider himself Jewish. This actually interests us a lot about him because even though he doesn't consider himself Jewish and likes to mock and insult Religion but he hated seeing people being disrespectful at the Holocaust memorial and decided to do something about it.

Trine took the role of contacting Shahak. We have to do it through his agent as there isn't a direct contact detail for him.

After emailing his agent, Trine recieved an email a few days later explaining that Shahak would be interested in helping with the project but that he wasn't available until the 2nd May and would only be available for a maximum of 2 hours. We took this and agreed that we would need to practice a interview. So setting up, questions and then de-rig to ensure that we can keep to this time frame. But so far we have Shahak as a confirmed interview. 

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