Thursday 18 May 2017


25th April
For our first shoot we were kept on schedule and worked professionally throughout the day. We arrived and met Kamran, Recorded all the voice over and GV's of him on the laptop and researching the Yolocaust project. After this we went over to London and filmed the GV's and the PTC's. With this our main issue was sound. I found it hard to get good sound due to the amount of people around London, which we couldn't do anything about but found the quietest spot in London which was just by Westminster.

26th April
With this shoot, we were filming the Holocaust Survivors. Here, we hit a small problem. While getting the train into London to meet Kamran, Simon missed the train and had to get the next which would mean he would be half an hour late for meeting with Aviva. When we finally got to the Jewish Care Centre we asked for Aviva and were told she was stuck in traffic. We waited for around an hour before being told that we had been given the wrong address and the Survivor's centre was actually about 30 minutes away so we had to travel over to there.
Once we finally got to the survivors centre, we quickly and effectivly set up the kit and we were introduced to our first Survivor called Ziggi. He was a death camp survivor who was also at Auschwitz. Our second was Miriam and the third was a gentlemen called Sam.

We had to have one of the volunteers with us at all time which we fully understood and respected. During the filming, we found all the camera's cut out at certain times. The camera's did this automatically and we couldn't understand why this was happening. But, we had the sound constantly recording and we had 3 different angles so we had plenty of coverage and a full audio track to work from.

We worked really well with this interview, despite our issues through the day we worked to our best and worked through the problem as they came along.

28th April
Traveling the Birmingham was one of the most time consuming. We left Rochester at 5:30am in order to get to Birmingham on time as well as picking up Kamran from London as well. However, we kept to schedule and arrived in Birmingham on time. We arrived and met with David and he took us to the 'library' where we would be filming which was a small room, with bright orange walls, 2 lifts that didn't work but had wall paper of bookshelves on them and 2 chairs and a table. It worked for our documentary. We set up while Kamran spoke to David and walked him through the documentary. Once we set up we found an issue which was due to the colours of the wall and the LED Lights we had, Kamran and David were very over exposed and we couldn't fix this by turning the lights down because it didn't look right on the camera. However, Me and Trine had just bought ourselves a new piece of kit which was the Neewer reflector which is a 5 in 1 reflector, 4 different types of reflectors and a defuser. We used both the defusers on the lights and this worked really well for the interview. Helped sort the lighting really well.

Once this was all set up we went on to film the interview. After this we de-rigged and reviewed the footage. We had the same issue again that the cameras had cut out at different times but we had a clean audio track so we were okay for the edit.

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