Sunday 12 February 2017


When looking into the locations that I'd need for 'Shaun of the Dead' I watched back at the original scenes and found I needed 4 main locations:
- A pub
- A house (specifically Kitchen and Living Room)
- A Street
- A Corner Shop

After looking around Rochester I found a small pub, just 5 minutes away from the UCA Student Accomedations. The Ship Inn is a small, Free House ran by a man called Richard. When walking past the pub each day going to University I noticed it was small, simple and very much like a classic pub. It's just like the type you get in Shaun of the Dead. So I spoke to the landlord and asked if it'd be possible and he agreed to letting me film here. I sent an email explaining my requirements:

"Hi Richard 

I came to the pub the other day and discussed filming my next University project there. I'm emailing just to confirm that and to just explain exactly what it is I'm hoping to use your pub for.
Firstly let me just thank you for saying yes! As students it's so hard to get permission off people to film at and I'm trying to stay local to Rochester rather than going into Chatham or Strood.

My project is to re-make a section of a film, I get to choose the film so I chose the zombie-comedy 'Shaun of the Dead'. The scene involves 2 friends sitting and chatting in a pub, that's literally it! The actual scene that I'm making can be seen here if you'd like to look at it more:

So what I need is these things, if they are okay with you of course!
- Access to the pub when it is closed to allow us to work freely and avoid disrupting your customers
- With your permission, have our crew and actors in with our equipment, this will include lights
- We will need to have the actors 'drinking' at one part but I will either give you the money for the alcohol or I will bring it myself, this is completely your choice.
- We will need to film a section outside at night time once the shoot has finished but this won't affect your customers or business I can assure you! It's simply the actors leaving and we will get this another time.

We would only need to be there for one day, for around 4 hours at most! But I would need to visit the pub about 2 other times before the shoot. Once to take some photos just to explain in my course work why I'm using the pub, another would be when the pub is closed again for a tech-check, this is where we bring our equipment, set up and just ensure we are ready for the shoot. This would take about 2 hours.

So, would it be possible to use your pub on the 13th February, Monday from 10:30am-3pm for the actual filming day? And then 8th February, Wednesday at 12pm for the technical check? I'll come to the pub during the week to take the photos for my work it doesn't have to be when the pub is closed! 

Any issues please contact me at anytime, my number is 07415701633 and you can email me at anytime!

Thanks again!
Gavin Roberts"

I received an email back from Richard saying "Hi Gavin, All that is ok with me so crack on, Regards, Richard". I aimed to explain as much detail as possible in the email so there was no misunderstandings or problems when it comes to using the location.

Location Recce
When looking at the location, it's perfect for what I'm looking for. The pub is a decent size. It's not newly refurbished so looks like a classic pub, it's not chain owned so there's no logos or trade marks around which we would need to get cleared. Also, after working with the BBC and speaking to a Producer he told me that if there are a number of different logos in shot, such as beer pumps, then we aren't breaching the product placement laws since there's no focus on a specific brand. There's enough space to have camera and lighting equipment in the building as well as cast and crew. The pub is closed until 4pm from Monday-Friday so we would be able to get all the recording done without disrupting the landlords business and the windows all have blinds on them which means we can block the light out and make it look like more like a pub. This is ideal for a pub to replace 'The Winchester'.

The House + Street
When I was looking for a house for the second year of University, we looked at a house and although we didn't end up taking it, one of the 3rd years of Television Production lived there and when looking around, the kitchen and living room were really big and good sizes for filming in. The house is on a long street, away from the main high street and roads so not many cars come through this way. The street has a shop at the end of it which can be used for the scene as well if we can get permission from the shop owners. Below are the photos of the kitchen and living room.




The flat looks ideal, not too big where it could be a private home and not too modern or freshly decorated so it looks like people have been living here for a while. As well the lighting suits here and we have plenty of natural lighting coming in from the windows so we won't need extra lighting which means less kit. As well, outside the house looks like a street where you would rent, rather than privately owned houses. It also looks like a classic London street. The street isn't hugely busy as well which means that we could get the footage with no cars going past. However, because we haven't paid and gotten the road closed, we may have cars coming down the road and it also means for Health and Safety reasons we can't film on the road.


The Shop
At the end of Upper Fant Road is a Spar Store. The shop's layout is perfect for what we need, although the owners asked for no photos of the interior to be taken for personal reasons. The location of the fridges, freezers and counter is perfect and there's a section at the back where we can hide the extra who's playing the zombie. After talking to the shop owners they said it would be fine as long as we didn't stop the public from entering the building and we weren't to have any blood anywhere around the building.


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