Friday, 10 May 2019


This is the first assembly of the documentary. I've done a mixture of both interviews and also cutaways and actuality footage. I found it easier to edit this together rather than just the interviews and nothing else. Speaking to Jemma, I know she doesn't like jump cuts and they also don't work for this documentary, this is a nice and simple doc that we want to flow nicely together. This also isn't a full assembly either. I found there was a lot to get through and I didn't have enough time. This was around half way through the script but it's allowed us to see whether the interviews are starting to work together and also where we'll need extra footage, archive, etc. to hide the cuts. 

There are some cuts within this assembly which aren't hidden yet and also a lot that needs cutting down, especially sections where Tanya or Conor say "umm", this can easily be cut and help shorten the film. 

The next assembly will be a full rough but while I'm doing this, Jemma is also writing up a new script with all the new events and information we've gained from filming which will also have the relevant sections of the transcripts in there so it'll be a much more detailed paper edit that I can use to put the edit together. 

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