Monday, 13 May 2019


After V5 of the Fine cut, I received the feedback for the edit which I acted on:

  • Not sure on the grey- fade in from black slowly so white is less jarring
  • Lower third- Tanya- hold longer, add space between Miss and Zodi
  • Background for L3s?
  • Name in Tuesday vibes font, position in regular font
  • 3.02- shot moves a lot- stabilise?
  • 3.15- hold cutaway slightly longer to hide a camera wobble
  • 3.47- is this shot in focus?
  • Amy intro- put her saying her name back in
  • 7.49- UGC- cut out the arrows? ( and throughout)
  • 9.14- 9.24 add the UGC as given
  • Lussi- reveal earlier- 14.45 get rid of bar focus pull shot
  • 16.40- face can't use
  • Add amy in the DJ booth 
  • Credits- with thanks to: make in the correct font
  • Turn music down when people are talking
Fine Cut 6:

Through this edit my main points of focus was the lower thirds and making them in the new style which is the interviewee's Drag name first in the Tuesday Vibe font and then their real name in standard font below. The choice for this was that the focus is about their Drag Persona's and we're learning more about that side of their life as well.
I also changed Charity Kase's "role" to Headline Act as she was headlining the Blackburn event and we see a lot of that in the footage because when she's performing all the crowd have their phones out which we don't any with any of the other performers. We also have a short vox pop with Lussi who organised the event, however the issue we've got here is that we aren't sure is "Lussi" is what we should be crediting her as, we're awaiting confirmation from Tanya to be sure of this.

As well as lower thirds, I began working on footage that needed stabilizing, most of the clips that I could stablize were cutaways such as in Tanya's room as they were a bit shaky, I used Warp Stablizer in Premiere which worked to remove the basic shakes.

Footage such as Tanya walking in the park or Conor styling a wig couldn't be stablized with this as it's too shaky due to the handheld footage. However, this I felt we could get away with, it's not all over the place and it works quite nicely.

Jemma also wanted to show more of Tanya's instagram during her interview about her online presence, we also needed to hide her cuts in the interview so I screen recorded my laptop while I scrolled through Miss Zodi's instagram, I then cut it and cropped it before moving it to hide the cuts.

Fine Cut 7:

Jemma & Victoria feedback:
  • Screen records still need smoothing out 
  • Music is still too loud - midnight drive 
  • 12:48 need to get rid of amy saying like and lengthen the gap before the vo starts- it still sounds like we've cut her off 
  • 13.15- put a shot of the dressing room, not location gv 
  • Blackburn- Still cuts lussi off 
  • 1642- shoot all unclear- use a shot from kitchen 
  • Audio still needs leveling more
With this edit I mainly started doing some audio editing. I mainly normalised the audio and began leveling it out, Tanya and Pete's interview however is where I had to go into Audition and try to remove the hissing noise which was in the background:

With audition, I've used noise remover before but the issue with this effect is that it removes all the noise in the background so there's no room tone at all, there is an option for an effect called "Adaptive noise reduction" which won't be as harsh with the removal. Annoyingly, Pete's audio still sounds muffled when doing noise reduction so I'll need to work on this more.

Fine Cut 8:

Once I'd done all the feedback for the previous and put together the newest edit, we were booked in for a viewing in front of all our classmates and our tutor for detailed feedback from a range of people.

  • Don't edit on headphones- try a variety to make sure they sound is mixed well
Group feedback:
  • Petes audio needs fixing
  • We have a consistent narrative
  • Need a base music track in the beginning
  • Narration works well to signpost and segue
  • Good flow from event to event
  • When in the montage lower third the locations
  • Add atmos under events to bring the audience in more
Simons feedback:
  • It needs general tightening
  • Doesnt like mention of the pageant early on
  • 2X social media parts makes it seem repetitive
  • get to the actuality sooner
  • Ending- come out of the performances during the final thoughts
With the feedback on tightening the script, Jemma had written up a new script which matched the edit prior to this viewing and then she went through the that script and highlighted the sections in red she wanted cut and in yellow that we could afford to cut if we need to:

This was a huge help when cutting the documentary and really worked well. This comes into what I've found from my research with the Director and Editor working so closely together, the detailed script helped to bring the edit down in time more and tightened the film up as well.

Fine Cut 9:

Since there was quite a lot of feedback involving the performance sequences I started with this section for the opening.

I set the text font as the Tuesday vibes to keep with the graphics of the film, Jemma asked for this text to be more like a title rather than a lower third as we're establishing the location.
Jemma had asked for the atmos for the performance but the issue here is the audio from the performances has copyrighted music in them so we aren't able to use them. We do have audio during the lead ins to the performances which could work but this wouldn't be genuine audio, I'll need to try it with the next edit to test.

Jemma also wanted more music within the documentary. Music will likely play a key role through this film as the biggest issue is that the ending is very hyper and energetic and so is the intro and titles but then we loose that tone and mood once we go into the story so Jemma added 2 new songs, Tanya and Conor's was only for their intro and Amy gets her own as well as she's more of the expert for the documentary. We've also added in the music from Tanya's intro for Tanya and Pete to add into the emotional side of this story we're hearing about Pete becoming more open to Tanya's Drag Queen.

  • 3.46: still not sure on the river shot- use tanya walking ( use the shot thats used later at 10;22, but use a different part of this shot) 
  • Not sure on the emotional music- try fading it in and out more. im gonna look for some more to replace it in case that doesnt work. 
  • Take out the emotional music with tanya and pete
  • 10.06: the fade between the before and after facetune pictures is too fast, slow the transition down
  • 10.22 instead of tanya walking in the park maybe use some UGC- ill find a picture than fits
  • 10.41 'despite miss zodis experience online' use a bit from tanyas live stream instead of the scroll through instagram
  • 11.55: when amy says 'safe space' make the fade out from the word shorter
  • take the black border off all the text in the montage ( the event names and the locations) 
  • Blur the shots under the test to make them like non sync wides
  • 18.00: add atmos to blackburn
Fine Cut 10:

Jemma requested that the clips with the location text on be blurred to have focus on the text as it's difficult currently to focus on the text with the background so clear. A lot of this cut was fixing small touches.

One aspect I had to fix a few edits back was blurring out logos. Such as below:

As we have no permission for any of these logos I went through and blurred them out, I used the effect "Fast Blur" and then marked around each logo and tracked them to follow through the clip:

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