Thursday 9 May 2019


Our next shoot is set to be with Conor Allum (AKA Sapphire Stonee) filming his interview and also the GV's of Folkestone where he lives. The set up for this will be similar to Tanya's shoot and we'll be using the main camera again as we're filming our third and final main interview.

Kit list:

As the kit list worked so well for Tanya's I chose to keep this for Conor's shoot. The entire shoot will be shot on the Canon C100 however as I'm confident with the Canon now and I know there aren't any issues I'm not bringing the Sony as a back-up camera as I found as handy as it was, it did mean extra kit being brought and out of the 3 days with Tanya, we only used it for one.

The lighting worked well for Tanya's however, since the batteries were an issue I've now sorted a power cable for the panel light so that we can have one of the lights powered through mains electricity rather than battery powered.

Shot list:

Speaking to Victoria about the schedule, we'll be setting off to Folkestone in the morning and then spending the first part of the shoot filming the GV's of Folkestone. Like Bodmin, none of us have been to this location so I spoke to Jemma about what she wants from the GV's. Jemma wanted the hotel that the Drag Queen pageant is being held at and also the town centre. When I googled Folkestone I found the beach, colourful buildings in the town centre, light house and the harbour as main photos that came up. The hotel which the pageant is being held at is the Grand Burstin Hotel and is located in the harbour as well so it's easy to find. Jemma and I agreed we'd use the reference images but also as we'll have time, walk around and find as much as we can. 

I was also told that Conor will have his Husband and one of his friends who will be in the pageant as well so we would be able to get an interview with both of them as well so the plan for these is a double 2 shot interview, one with Conor's husband and Conor and then with Conor's friend and Conor. This will help match in with the documentary as we've shot Tanya and Pete as a 2 shot interview as well.

The cutaways are similar to Tanya's, showing Conor's drag looks and wigs, I've also noted for more GV's to be filmed around Conor's house as we'll need to look around and find relevant GV's in Conor's home that we're also allowed to film, so communicating with Conor will be key during this section.

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