Thursday 9 May 2019


The final day of shooting is at an event in Margate at Amy's art club.

Annoyingly I'm unable to make it to this event due to work commitments so Jemma, Victoria and Zak will be going there, with Zak shooting the event and Victoria filming the vox pops interviews. When speaking to them they asked what prep I'd done so they could work off it but since the event was like the pageant and Blackburn (we weren't sure what would be happening there) I couldn't do a shot list. I arranged for Victoria to have my Rode VidMic Pro microphone and my Tamron 24mm-70mm 2.8F lens to shoot the interviews on and she said she would use her own personal Canon DSLR camera.

The cutaways and footage of the event would all be shot on the Panasonic DVX200 and I arranged for them to use it with a tripod to get the stable cut aways. However, due to the rush of the last event, the crew ended up taking a Panasonic which had a different base plate to the tripod which they'd taken so it all had to be done handheld.

This was all very rushed and simply a mistake, I hadn't been aware of the cameras still having base plates on them after the pageant event because we'd been busy de-rigging after the final interview.

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