Wednesday 25 April 2018


Starting off today's rehearsal, Myself, George Lock and Jemma arrived at the Studios and taped out the entire set to scale, using the set plan supplied by Set Design, so that our contributors could get used to using the space. We mostly needed this for the Catwalk.

Today's rehearsal was set as a Dress Rehearsal and we only have 2 contributors who aren't in the rehearsal today (due to family commitments) which are Helen (one of the female models) and Bonnie, however Stand-Ins have been arranged for these so the rehearsal can continue. All VT's, Photos and graphics have been made ready for this rehearsal and our Drag Queen came in, in full make-up and outfit.

The final run through of the day was recorded by VT. No sound was recorded as our Sound Operator, AimeƩ still isn't in the sound studio. But, it's allowed us to look back and see our run through and what needs improving.

Through the beginning of the rehearsal, we did a full run through of the show which did have many mistakes. One of our Presenters said 'crap' when they forgot their lines which we had to sort straight away as this CANNOT happen in the live show as this is a pre-watershed show and looks highly unprofessional. George and I did struggle to get the timing for the graphics correct and also the animation of the graphics didn't run well as the machine is rather old. We agreed to have them as stills and fade them in and out.

We had printed off some draft cue cards for the Presenters to use to see what sections we need them on cue cards for, we knew that we'd need them on cue cards for Styles of the Season and for the interviews as they'll need the questions for their contributors. However, I requested that they learn the intro, Old to New (as it's a short section) and then the outro. Adeline and Alfie said they would try and do it but couldn't say whether or not they could get this done 100% as the script has changed so often and we had to hold off sending them the script over the Easter Holidays due to Oliver dropping out and the script needing changes.

With Old to New and the split screen, the main issue we had here was the framing, this happened in all the rehearsals as well as in the one recorded. The framing for the wide didn't look very nice BUT this wasn't helped by Kevin being directed to the very edge of the catwalk, after a quick chat with him at the end of the rehearsals he was aware to go to the centre of the catwalk and not right to the edge or the side of the catwalk. Graphics Producer, Simon Lawrence, asked if I wanted a graphic with the price and shop for the Dad Shoes as we've had it with Styles of the Season and also in Old to New VT, Whenever we've shown clothing, we've told the viewers where they can buy the clothes.

We couldn't hear the music beds in the gallery, however we could hear the Presenters through their microphones. So we could really practice through the interviews. Pictures on screen worked well, however I decided to only have 1 shown which would be the bag. My reasons for this is, we want to focus on Bonnie as an independent seller more, So we have 3 things to talk about, The Halloween dress on the mannequin, the Vest top Bonnie makes in the VT which she will be wearing for the interview and finally the bag on the screen. So we have 3 different items to talk about.

With Sapphire's performance, although we in the gallery couldn't hear the music, Sapphire could on the floor so we still practiced shooting the performance. I went with 3 simple shots through this, a locked off wide, a close up and a tilt shot going up and down so I had all the coverage. Round up at the end of the show is working. It's VERY rough but it's coming together. I explained to Jack Whitely (Assistant Floor Manager) not to send the models onto the catwalk without my cue. The timings for this isn't working well as our Floor Managers are still cueing the presenters but this will (hopefully) change when we get the in-ear talk back. The final shot for the show before the end STILL isn't working. It just looks very boring and dull. George Wing and Jason (operators of camera 2) requested bringing the Jib or the Track and Dolly. I said no to this simply because it would be too much hassle and they would only be for that shot. I did say if they can think of a way to make the shot better with what we have please give me ideas but other than that we would have to stick with that shot.

Throughout the rehearsal, the crew and cast were stressed and getting tired. I was constantly going around and thanking them and encouraging them to continue their hard work as we were getting there.

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