Sunday 29 April 2018


Above is the final draft of the script prepared by Victoria. From this, I took this and broke down the script. Changes had been made to the scene from the original so the scene worked on its own and also as it was now set in the UK (Making it more original rather than a copy). With this in mind I went on to break down how I felt the scene should be filmed.

Page 1

First thing I took from this script was it was all set at night. This is needed to keep in mind for lighting later on but made a note of it. First 2 scenes are new to the script. First takes place outside, whats written is Malcolm walking down the street to his flat. Reading this, I was taken back to the scene in Shaun of the Dead where Simon Pegg walks to the shop:

All done in one take, the scene isn't boring as the sound design brings up the mood and tells the audience enough as well as what they can see within the scene. Now, all this shot would be is Malcolm walking but in the script it also says "he can hear crashing, banging and swearing". After discussing with Jemma, she said she wanted to build the sound design up through this scene rather than show the violence that Jessica has. With this I decided on one single take for the opening scene where we can see Malcolm as a character and slowly bring in Jessica. 

Scene 2, I went with a simple wide shot for the opening as we just need to see Malcolm enter the flat and then we finally get the reveal of Jessica. "She's visibly drunk with a whiskey bottle in her hand. Her families ashes are scattered on the floor amongst various other spirit bottles" this already describes our character but I had to think of a way to show the audience this before Malcolm enters the room. So I decided to have a slide shot to reveal the room and then Jessica. With then close ups of things around the room to give details to what has happened. 
By the time Malcolm starts to clear up the ashes, I want to have a pull focus of the two characters. Keeping it again as one shot but with both in frame and focus goes between them. On a personal level I've always like this and I think this is a good way to go between the characters without having the harsh cuts. 
Page 2

With the next page, this is where the emotion of the scene begins to change and Jessica starts to build up her confidence and I wanted this to be shown through the camera movement. When she stands up I want the camera to move with her and then once it gets to the shots of Jessica looking down at the bag of meth so I chose to change to a shoulder rig here so the movement becomes much quicker and works with the change of mood. 

Towards the end of page 2 we have Jessica open her laptop, I want the lighting to change her to a much warmer orange sort of lamp light to bring out the mood change (discussed in lighting blog). With this I'm still going with the hand held movement. 

Finally with page 3 its the end of the film and the only difference with the handheld movement is I have a locked off shot of the board to reveal what she's been planning. 

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