Wednesday 25 April 2018


In today's Production Meeting we were updated on all departments.

Helen sat with Melissa, Katie, George and Myself and talked through the script. Helen explained that the content for the second half of the show is very fun and energetic but we aren't getting this from the first section of the script (Steals of the Season) as it's very information based and it just needs to have a bit more energy and life into it. Helen also explained that the title "Steals of the Season" sounds like it'll be about deals and cheap clothing due to the word 'steal' and this isn't what we get in the section, so the Producers have renamed it to Styles of the Season.

With the DIY Section, Helen wanted the VT to be the introduction to Bonnie, where we learn more about her and she wants to top making in the studio, I contacted Bonnie and asked and she explained that just the foundations of the vest took her half an hour and we only have 2-3 minutes in the interview. I explained this to Helen and she suggested that we talk about the difference with buying from independent sellers.

The script needs updating ASAP and sending to the presenters.

Helen has said that the Presenter challenge isn't light hearted and energetic like the rest of the programme and pick ups are needed.
Old to New has been filmed and is at the fine edit stage.
The online fails VT needs an expert in there as we've already got the case study but we need an expert to explain the legal laws behind purchasing online.
DIY VT hasn't been filmed yet, it's getting filmed next week.

The trailer which was filmed got a lot of negative feedback, footage was unusable due to being out of focus and incredibly grainy, no sound was recorded and shots were far too shaky. Below is the trailer:

It was agreed that the trailer has to be reshot and it will have to happen over the Easter Holiday as there isn't time to organise beforehand.

Poster is being made up currently.
Zak Wilkins is Producing the title sequence. Explained that the sequence will be ready for the 10th April.

Speaking with Danny Lewis, he updated us and explained that we have 61 out of 100 audience members who have applied for tickets for the show.

Andrew, who is in charge of music, has made up the music for the catwalk, When we reviewed it, we found it wasn't the right tone. We were shown the music for the Title sequence which is below:

The music is very lively and upbeat and really helps get the audience ready for the show. Andrew's music is more techno and sort of retro game which doesn't work for the catwalk which is what we need. We also need a song chosen for the credits.

Victoria Simmonds updated us and explained that the song being produced for our Drag Queen will be ready by the 10th April.

Our set was finalised today. Although we tried to find a way to change the sofas we ended up having to keep the ones supplied by set design. Set Design has organised that the set will be delivered to the Studios on the night of the 17th April and then set up from 8am on the 18th, in order to give us time to rehearse.

General Points
The call sheet for TX Day will be released after the Easter Holidays. All VTS, Trailers, Poster, Stings, Graphics, Script, Music and Credits need to be finished for the next rehearsal (10th April).
We've arranged to have 2 in ear talk backs, 1 for each of our Presenters.

After working with UCA Marketing for the Ambassadors, I have arranged for the Behind the Scenes team to have access to the UCA Instagram Stories for the day of transmission to gain more publicity for the course and the show.

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