Saturday 21 April 2018


In our session with Del today, we started by sitting down and planning out exactly how the show was going to go and what would be in each of the sections. Del explained that it's all well and good us all having ideas for the shows and the sections but we need to have a clear structure to the show so that we can begin rehearsals and get the script finalised.

Section 1: Steals of the Season
We agreed to keep this as our first section as it's a good way to lead into the show. We agreed to discuss 3 trends coming into fashion towards Spring/Summer time as this is when the show will be transmitting. Talking with Del we agreed that we would need to try and have a mixture of gender, race, size and age as to not offend. So we agreed to have 3 trends on the screen for each gender and then have a model come on wearing one and we would need to have a young model and a older model as to ensure the style can work for all ages. From this, we agreed that we would need to have a catwalk within the set. But, we also want a seated area for the presenters to have the interviews. So the design we came up with for the layout of the set is below:

We divided the set into 3 sections, 'soft area' is where we have the couches and TV for the discussions and the interviews, hard area in the middle or as we called in 'no mans land' because that's where nothing is currently happening and then the catwalk. We agreed we would want the presenters to get over to the catwalk during this section from the soft area and everyone was trying to figure out how we could cut around that. I suggested simply having the presenter do a PTC walking while the camera pans over with the presenter. My choice for this is that I think it would be better for a presenter to be next to the catwalk talking through the style with the model rather than sat on the couches. To end the section we agreed to have the idea for the Presenter challenge as a VT in there as this could lead in nicely with our next section which we chose to be Fashion Fails. VT needs to be finalised.

Section 2: Fashion Fails
This is our second section of the show and where the Producers want the audience participation. The final idea for this is to have audience members send in some of their failed fashion attempts, whether it be from school years, bought online or from bad choices. We agreed that we would need to send out and ask around to get people to send in their fashion fails. Someone then suggested that the VT for this section of the show could focus on the Online Fashion Fails. So we have the Studio section which focuses on the actual audience member and their choice of Fashion, then we go to a VT where we learn about people buying online and how that can go wrong. The idea for this section of the show was to bring some light entertainment as well as getting the audience involved with the show. VT needs to be finalised and a more details plan of how it will work figured out.

Del explained that between this sections we should have 'stings' which are small 5 second VTs which have the name of the section on them and it just breaks up the show and makes it more clear for the audience.

Section 3: Old to New
When trying to decide on the next section, everyone was giving their research forward for the sections of the show they had already looking into. The original pitch did have a section looking into Vintage and we discussed having a section looking at old fashion which has stuck or is coming back. For an example, Double Denim which is coming back into fashion currently. People did start talking about the trend 'Dad Shoes' which is hitting social media currently. This is celebrities wearing the old and quite ugly trainers your dad might wear back in the 90's:

People thought this was both an entertaining and interesting trend to talk about as we don't really understand why they are back in Fashion. So we talked about having the presenters talk about this trend and then have 3 or 4 different pairs of these trainers on the table at the soft area. Then having a model come out on the catwalk wearing them to talk about them. We also talked about having other trends from eras such as the 60s-00s shown here and then talked about having this as a VT so that the section is cut up nicely and easier to watch.

Section 4: DIY
We talked about bringing the idea of independent sellers/shops and DIY together and having this as our first proper interview for the show. Del liked the idea of getting someone in from Etsy and talking about the difference to making clothes as to buying them on the high street. Del did suggest having the VT for this section as the final one and being a sort of tutorial, so the DIY maker is actually showing the audience how to make these clothes and then we go to the studio to talk to them about it. From this now we have our 4 VTs for the show:
- Presenter Challenge
- Online Fashion Fails
- Fashion through the eras
- DIY Tutorial

End of the show
Del asked us then how we were going to end the show. We did consider the other sections we have left such as Musicians, Wardrobe Dig or Independent stores but Del pointed out, we are aiming for E4 as our broadcaster, the show already looks like it's going for a more fun and light hearted than serious and so we need to have a really big end to the show, something which is going to shock the audience and make them go "WOW!!" and from this, Del suggested we bring in a Drag Queen. He pointed out that this is still Fashion, these performers will put together their own outfits and make their own style and often doing it on their own. No one would be expecting this either so it would really bring a shock to the show. Below are some examples of Drag Queen that I know from my home town:

Having a performance from a Drag Queen and then talking to them in the studio would be ideal for the show and an amazing ending as it would give the audience so much energy and excitement. At the round up then we could bring everyone back, big waves and goodbyes and roll the credit.

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